
Whitewater Rafting in Jinja

For the third time in one week, I almost died. This seems to be the trend for the trip. We went to Jinja, the source of the nile and went white water rafting. The experience was indescribable. By far the most daring and thrilling thing I've done. The Nile has class 5 rapids, which is considered rather extreme for the sport and downright crazy to do on your first time. During our training session we were taught how to get back on our boat in case it flipped. I did not like this excercise one bit. I was scared to death of being tossed off that raft in calm water, little did I know what was yet to come. When we started it was fun. It kind of felt like a roller coaster and I was enjoying the ride, until our raft flipped in the middle of a rapid. I was terrified! The more I tried to swim to the raft, the further it drifted. The group in the other raft said they thought our flip was funny, until they saw the look in my eyes. I was terrified! I just knew I was going to die! Somehow, I made it back to the raft and was hoisted back in. I was definitely ready to call it quits, but convinced myself that that was the worse to come.
Two rapids later we flipepd again, but this time all the rafts flipped so it was every man for himself. Just my luck, I was stuck underneath the raft. If I didn't really think I was going to die before, this time I was sure! I began to swim frantically searching for a way out. As I felt my way to the top, I felt someone grabbing a hold of me. Two things crossed my mind. Either it was a group member using me to gain stability in the water, which would have been fatal for us both or it was Jesus. I was kind of right. There were lifegaurd kyackers following us in case of danger and one saw me seriously struggling and pulled me onto his kyack. This flip was particularly bad for all of us because another one of my group members was also strapped to the back of the kyack. Once I got back to the raft, I was extremely thankful to the lifegaurd. I couldnt believe I had made it through all of that. Of course, I had a lifejacket on so I would have been able to float, but the rapids and current was so powerful that I had no control over my body and didnt trust the lifejacket much. When I told my mother what had happened, of course she had a conniption and didn't understand why I had gone rafting in the first place. The wildest part is, when she asked if I would do it again, without a thought I knew I would! lol

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