
Are Chinese People Black?

The High Court in South Africa thinks so. This week they ruled that Chinese South Africans be reclassified as Black so that they could also benefit from the Broad-Based Economic Empowerment and the Employment Equity Acts, designed to end White domination and give people classified as Blacks, Indians, and Coloureds more employment and economic benefits. Until now, Chinese people in South Africa had been considered White and though they are a minority in society, they did not benefit from the programs that other non-White ethnic groups did.
I wish I knew more about race relations and hierarchy in South Africa so that I could offer an informed opinion on the topic. But I will say that this is a clear example of the politics of race around the world. In the US, race is considered in the most literal way possible, whereas in many other societies Whiteness and Blackness is considered an expression of your social status. Therefore, one can be physically Black, but well educated and wealthy, thus making him or her "White" and vice versa.
I can remember a Professor of mine who is African American and dark skinned telling me of a time she visited Morocco and was constantly referred to as White because she was eloquent, well-dressed, and wore lipstick. I also sympathize for Chinese currently in South Africa who may move to the US one day and realize that they aren't Black...how shocking that will be!

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