
African Idol

I was recently made aware of the existence of "African Idol" through an article questioning why contestants had to sing Western songs to gain legitimacy on the song. I supported the authors critique, especially because I am a fan of various genres of African music and also find it nonsensical for Africans to not use the show as a platform to showcase their own talents.
Because I had never seen an episode of African Idol, I decided to youtube it, take a look at how the show was produced, and better understand the author's critique. I was more than surprised by what I saw. Take a look at the video!

As Simon would say, it was absolutely HORRID! I think we do better when we stick to our own songs. It sounds so sweet!

But I'll give props when it's due, this was a damn good rendition of "Faith"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice videos...