
Happy (Belated) Emancipation Proclamation!

Apparently yesterday was a national holiday in observance of the Emancipation Proclamation. I didn’t get the day off, but many charter schools in DC were closed and a friend of mine who works for an African based organization said she had the option of taking the day off and many of her co-workers didn’t come in. I have never been and was not extended that option…I wonder why…
I mean, if you think about it, the Emancipation Proclamation should be a widely observed holiday, Veterans and Memorial Days are, so why not the day the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
Unarguably, enslaved Africans did more for the US than any soldier could claim. Not to minimize the importance of those who have served this country in anyway, but I think enslaved Africans served a more important cause. Not only did many of them fight in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, as well, but the built the country on their backs! Setting aside a day in remembrance is the least they could do!
So next year, I’ve resolved to take off on the Emancipation Proclamation. And somehow, I doubt my employer will challenge me on this one…

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